Friday, January 21, 2011

Out of Hibernation


It's good to be back.

For the past couple of months, I have been getting settled in our new home, doing the holiday thing, having some emotional breakdowns...only to be gently lifted back to solid ground by a loving God and husband...and pursuing a purposeful family dynamic.

2010 was a good year.

It didn't feel good every day...but, it certainly was a good year.

It brought change, disappointment, adventure, clarity, frustration, elation, immense loneliness, suffocation, learning, dissatisfaction, heartbreak, fear, stole my comfort, forged my way, allowed me to see, made me face some giants, made me feel very insignificant...

and then gave me Yosemite.

I saw man-made wonders, worshiped in solitude on a beach, in front of the Pacific Ocean, realized that my dream places were not what dreams were made of, and felt the open arms of my beloved Texas, embrace me when I came home.

I said goodbye to some things and said hello to of all blogging and backyard farming.

I found a passion, got more passionate about the ones I already had, and became an activist for the things that are most important to me.

Memories were made, places explored...but, the best exploration came when I explored my heart.

I rooted in and shed some skin...and heard the whispers of my ancestors telling me to press on.

Best of all, I spent every single day caring for the 2 guys that make up my calling. I gazed into their eyes, spent as much time as I could with them in my arms, fed them, cared for them...and fell further in love with them every single day. I worship my Father by loving them as I do. Every day I strive to do it better.

The new year has me thinking about things in a different way. On whole family project, I want to discuss the things that I am doing...not the things I'm planning on doing later. I want to highlight the things that are already working....not just the things that I think might work...if I could just get my stuff together. There are amazing things in the works at Chez Utterback...and I can't wait to share them all with you!

Have a wonderful week...I've missed this so much!

Blessings on you, my friends.

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