Friday, January 29, 2010

"The Whole Family Project" Purpose

Let me make one thing clear from the beginning…I am not a mom who has it all together and is going to bring you “nectar of the gods” advice from my perch high above…that’s why “Project” is part of my title. Project defines my endeavors as a mother, a wife, and as a woman in general. Here’s why I’m doing this….
- I believe in God, and I believe in His Son, Jesus Christ. I believe that Jesus Christ died for my sins, and that He is the hope of this world. I believe in His version of family. You will find scripture here. You will find Bible teachings here. You WILL NOT find someone who thinks that children are better left lying in orphanages or drowning in the foster care system, instead of being adopted out to same-sex parents who will love them, make them feel wanted, and work for their best interest in life. You WILL NOT find someone who touts the impossibility of single parent homes…some of the best mothers and fathers I know are single…and though it may not be easy, they are willing to fight to the death to make sure their children are raised with the same opportunities and the same stability that children in nuclear families. I believe that families are being attacked, but not by a political party. I believe that we are being attacked by Satan, who is more than willing to use the political debates about family to divert our attentions and energies into the corridor of cynicism and hate. I believe that those energies are better spent getting children out of orphanages, to loving and supporting those single parents and families who are struggling, and to doing better every single day for our own children. I believe that families are worth fighting for…are worth doing what it takes to make and keep them…whole.
-So, why "The Whole Family Project”? Well, there are several things I want to cover on this site. The main idea I wanted to explore, when contemplating the startup of this blog, is whole food nutrition. I believe it is vitally important that we begin to move away from industrialized food…for our whole family…but, especially for our children. I am no expert, and I don’t have a degree. What I do have is years and years of research about healing with whole food. I grew up a granola kid. We used co-op and I ate carob chips, and rice crackers, took vitamins like they were going out of style, and never went to the doctor, save the chiropractor. That’s just how I’m wired. There are several events that have happened in my life (that I will expound on in other articles) that have solidified my belief in the fact that God put everything we need to heal, and be well, on this, our dear planet Earth. I will provide tips and tutorials, based on my life experience, on everything from homemade baby formula and food, to how to start incorporating the whole food lifestyle, in a world that makes it very difficult. None of my ideas are original, but I have done a bit of footwork that may make it easier for someone looking for a place to start.
-Like I said at the very beginning, I am a working project. I truly believe you can’t have a whole family without having a whole mother. There is this thing I like to call “The Oxygen Mask” philosophy. You know it…the rule on an airplane that states that if you have a child with you and the plane is losing cabin pressure, you put the mask on yourself before you put it on your child. It’s counter-intuitive, yes…but, oh so necessary. So, this is a journey we will go on together, you and I. I don’t take care of myself, I don’t sleep well, I don’t eat well, and I don’t exercise regularly…yet. So, in the spirit of getting ourselves together, so that we can be better wives, mothers, and all-around women, I am designating Me Mondays…articles that will be dedicated to self-care. It is impossible to be what we want and need to be to our families, friends, and community, if we are not what we need to be for ourselves. So…let’s do this together.
-I don’t want to leave anyone out, here, because as I said at the beginning, I have a lot of friends who are excellent parents, yet don’t have a spouse. However, I believe that if you are married, without a whole marriage, then your family will begin to splinter before you can say the word “counseling.” So, for that reason, I am going to dedicate my Saturday posts to the care of relationship. If you are blessed enough to have a partner, it is vitally important that that partnership be solid…be FUN…and, now get this part…that the partners BE ON THE SAME SIDE!! So often, I have watched marriages disintegrate, because there was competition and self-centeredness running amok in the heads of one or both partners. This is an area in which I have an embarrassment of riches. My husband is just one of those men that all women wish their husbands to be. You’ll get to know him pretty well as you read:)
-Lastly, I believe that there are several endangered species in children today…nature, honor, confidence, humility, gratefulness, and consideration. It is my life’s mission to make these common traits amongst kids, again, because I believe without them, our world goes under with immense speed and force. We’re already seeing it! Interspersed throughout this site, you will find snippets of humor, tips on discipline, and ways to make kids behave that doesn’t leave you spent and unsuccessful at the end of the day. I will have a comic relief section…little things that happen during the day that fill the job of parenting with moments of head shaking chuckles. I will also be practicing the art of honor, by adding tributes to Tuesday posts…little portraits of people that are heroes to me, in the quest for whole families.
-I hope that you find “The Whole Family Project” fun and informative, helpful and poignant. It’s my hope that God shines and is glorified through my words, and that I will grow through the experience in a way that will reach my family, my community, and my world as a whole. I look forward to participation from those who read. Please feel free to leave comments and send me ideas for articles, guest blogs, or any other content you feel would add to this experience. Thanks for reading!


  1. I am **SO** glad you are doing this! I miss you bunches and now I will get a peek into your life every week! Yeah!! All of Jan. was unbelievably rough on me. I realized this weekend with Adam doing Bible school and me homeschooling the kiddos there may be a bit of a spiritual attack on me. I woke up a new woman this morning. I had my coffee, my quiet time, my workout and I laughed today...and cleaned house and made 12 loaves of bread. That is probably more productivity in one day than I had in the last month! Feels good to be out of the funk...but you are so right about "the oxygen mask" While in that funk, no one could figure me out(including myself!) and that just got me more was like a downward spiral...thankfully The Lord's hand was there to yank me out and set me back on some solid ground! I LOVE that you are doing this....I think I actually remember being at Whole Foods one time talking to you on the phone about how you should be writing...i think you were looking into some freelance articles or something...This is a great place for you to share (because I get the privilege of reading!!) You DO have a lot to offer and I cant wait to hear it...just wish we were sipping coffee at La Madeleine's discussing this stuff together...someday soon(: In the meantime I'm quite content to read your thoughts via the world wide web! Keep it coming!

  2. Aleisha,
    Jen sent me your blog. As a fellow writer, also periodically filled with self-doubt, I say Yea! for you, for stepping out and doing this. Of course, I don't have little kids home anymore. Mine are "all grewn up" as my daughter told me one birthday. But I have enjoyed so much reading your beginning blogs, your honesty and struggles. We are all unique, yet all much alike. I will be following your project and pulling for you, Kay

  3. Mrs. Mama Earth,

    I am so proud of you! No one got to the moon without first looking up. This is a wonderful beginning for you and your readers.

    I chose my salutation with great care: MRS = because you are a woman/wife to be reckoned with deserving of respect and attention. MAMA = because your radient wisdom and sense of nurture supercede your thought-provoking personality and true real-life experience. And, lastly EARTH = because you not only help others focus on our human exisitence and the cyclical care we should all have for our home, but also because you leave everyone you come in contact with knowing better or yearning to know better our final home-maker up above.

    Bravo for taking a first step and cheers to the endless doors that may open for all touched by HIM through YOU!




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