Wednesday, February 24, 2010
And now...a new gem from the Land of Absurdity*
Help stop this legislation. This page has links to 5 websites. (Citizens For Health and Natural Solutions Foundation, have the same letter.)
You might want to use them to compose or cut/paste your own letter.
Please take action immediately and send a letter. Tell your senators NOT to co- sponsor this detrimental legislation and to do everything in their power to defeat it. Then forward this to your friends and family and ask them to do the same!
Monday, February 22, 2010
Thursday, February 18, 2010
Wednesday, February 17, 2010
Comic Relief
Tuesday, February 16, 2010
Me Mondays (on Tuesday): Letting Go
Saturday, February 13, 2010
I'm 'bout to get schooled, folks!
Friday, February 12, 2010
Comic Relief
- The Scene: fresh out of the shower.
- The Setting: humid bathroom.
- The Protagonist: me
- The Antagonist: my boobs (being that they are painfully large)
- The Plot: trying to put on my bra.
- The Climax: finally got said bra hooked onto my damp torso, trying to pull the straps up, and BAM!...punched myself in the jaw so hard that I literally saw stars.
- The Resolution: airing this publicly, on the internet, in hopes that others will relate, in which case I won't feel like such a tool for giving myself a possible concussion whilst attempting undergarment application.
Thursday, February 11, 2010
New Post coming...
Tuesday, February 9, 2010
Baby Steps: Green Cleaning
- Dishwashing liquid...(Seventh Generation...absolutely cuts grease, and is most times cheaper than leading brands. Smells awesome & available pretty much everywhere now!)
- Toilet bowl cleaner...I could use other stuff, but I LOVE Ecover Pine so much, that I just buy that.
- Dishwasher Soap...also Seventh Generation...usually buy it every 3 months or so. (I only run my dishwasher when it's stuffed.)
- Laundry you will learn, Costco rocks my world, and their brand Kirkland has a 1.5 Gallon liquid detergent for about $12.95. It has plant based, biodegradable cleaning agents (palm and/or coconut)made from bio-renewable sources, contains no phosphates or dyes, is cruelty-free, and has lavender essential oils for scent. For 110 loads...I generally buy it every 3-4 months.
- Laundry boosters...I use plain 'ole 20 Mule Team borax; Mrs. Stewart's bluing liquid for whites (my whites are CRAZY white...much better than when I used bleach); Fels-Naptha soap bar. I just rub a toothbrush on it, brush it on stains before they set in, and that's that.
- Orange oil. The best way to find this is going to feed stores or tractor supply stores. It can be a bit pricey...but, you will almost see another generation before you have to buy more.
- Dr. Bronner's ANYTHING - but for cleaning, his pure castile soap, or Sal Suds are best. I mix these with water in a re-used spray bottle, and it serves as my counter cleaner, floor mopping solution...anything. Added bonus: it smells GREAT!
- Plain old white distilled vinegar. I bought several spray bottles, a huge vat of the vinegar, and I use that for cleaning the bathroom (sinks, mirrors, faucets, & everything but the bowl of the toilet). It is the most versatile cleaning agent out there. It mix it with lemon juice, baking soda, club soda...whatever job I want it to do, but most of the time, it's just straight...I don't even dilute it.
- There are plenty of other ideas in the book Organic Housekeeping by Ellen Sandbeck. (You can find the book on look on the right side of my blog for the's in my recommendations.)
I know lots of my "homegirls" out there like to use the handy bleach wipes for messes. Well...I have a fun solution for that, too! It's all about the Viva paper towels. They stand up well to being soaked for an extended period of time, and they really do mimic the ones you buy at the store. I get an empty bleach wipe dispenser, a roll of Viva, and my favorite cleaning agent (most of the time I use the vinegar, but also on several occasions I have used a Dr. Bronners solution & love that as well). I make sure the container is completely washed & dried out. Before you do anything else, fill the container about 1/3 the way full of your cleaning agent. Next, take the roll of Viva, and lay it on a flat surface. I basically just start unrolling, by rolling it...i.e. take the edge, and start a new roll. I always try to make it even, and I don't make it too tight, because you want to be able to get them out. Using the container, I measure when I have enough rolled off, then tear it off. Again, using the container, I figure out how long I need it to be (the roll is longer than the container, at this point), and use a serrated knife to cut it to size. The paper towels will soak up the cleaner, and voila! wipes. *note: You may need to check them several hours after you do them, just to make sure your towel/cleaner ratio is just right. You don't want them to be too wet, but you don't want them to dry out on you either. No worries, can just add more if they get dry!
I realize that was a long explanation, so PLEASE let me know if there is anyone out there who needs me to do a tutorial with pictures. I haven't done that, yet, because well, I don't have a camera that will download to my computer:) That will be changing very soon! I can break any of this down further, give tips and other detailed information if the need arises.
PLEASE consider getting rid of the chemical cleaners you may have in your home! They are simply NOT necessary to get your home clean, and they are harmful to you and your family's health!
P.S. I have been doing this successfully for over 5 years. I thought I would miss the smell of pine-sol and all the other things that made my house "smell clean" to me, before. Now, not only do I not miss it, it makes me physically ill to go into the cleaner aisle of the grocery store! Natural smells are wonderful, and if you need them...there are always essential oils. Not only will they add glorious, God-made scent, but several have disinfecting properties of their own! Besides...nothing smells better than orange oil:)
Monday, February 8, 2010
Me Mondays: Self - Discipline
Saturday, February 6, 2010
It's a woman's prerogative, after all...
Friday, February 5, 2010
You say "Hippie" like it's a bad thing...
Other factors, such as drug use, criminal records and mental problems, contribute to what military leaders say is a major problem that threatens the country's ability to defend itself " Yeah...remember when flat feet was the issue? Uh, OK....I'm moving to my own island.
Seriously, though. Our country has made so many "medical advancements", and we have expert committees on everything from toothpaste to psychiatric drugs, and yet, we are placed 37th in the world (behind the Dominican Republic!) for the prevention and treatment of disease, according to the very latest stats from the World Health Organization. We have the FDA, the AMA, the OMGNHPAQ (Oh My Gosh Natural Health Practitioners Are Quacks) committee, the OMGMAM (Oh My Gosh Midwives Are Murderers) committee, the SYKFOEDWDLW (Stuff Your Kid Full Of Every Drug We Designed Last Week) committee...but, I ask are we doing? Are we healthier? Are we happier? Has all of our information made life better for anyone? Seriously...I'm in tears right now. I don't even have the energy to give you all the sourced stats...just watch your news, just read any newspaper, just go to any school and watch the children who are outside of it...just hear yourself screaming inside for reasons you can't even pinpoint.
I'm not happy. I'm not healthy. I feel like crap ALL the time. I have NO energy...EVER. I don't remember the last time I woke up feeling rested. I'm scared ALL the time...and I don't know why. I have so many wonderful things, and the truth is...half of them are constant sources of frustration for me. What's the deal? The deal is, I have a self-discipline problem that is exacerbated by the constant pull of the strings on my back...the puppeteers being those who decide who lives and who dies...those who decide what will be readily available in my robotic waiter that comes up out of the side of my fancy hover-seat, once they've finally killed all life on earth, and therefore have us right where they want us...sick, disjointed, and floating like space junk in a craft that is ultimately run by a computer! Every fiber in me rails against this...because I have a little boy, who grows like bamboo, and I want him to know a mama who has joy, and I want him to know how to chop wood, and how to cook a meal from scratch, and heck...cook a meal from scratch that he grew from scratch. And, (little peek into my conspiracy theorist mind, here) if and when the crap hits the fan...I want him to know how to survive. I want him to have resources beyond button pushing, and I want him to be thankful that his parents taught him how to live off of GOD's land...from HIS bounty. Heck, he could be the first president of the United Nuked States of America.
So, if you want to know why....that's why.
Note: sorry, my Georgia ran out of ink, so I had to switch to Verdana?
Thursday, February 4, 2010
The Chair
- Physical
- Emotional
- Mental
- Spiritual
- If you want to read more about the Okinawa centenarians, read The Okinawa Program by Bradley Willcox.
Wednesday, February 3, 2010
Family Unity
I've so appreciated the campaigns for family dinners that have been hitting the airwaves in the past couple of years. There are so many reasons that dinner as a family, AT THE TABLE (not in front of the TV), is pivotal to unity.
*Breaking bread together is a Biblical and psychological bonding tool. It is a practice that promotes emotional intimacy & conversation...both vital in staying connected and involved in each other's lives.
*It is a scheduled opportunity for parents to observe their children. A daily face to face meeting is the easiest way to ensure that you see demeanor and nuance changes in your child, to share stories and make sure that you aren't missing something that could prompt needed change in your interactions with them, or even more, that there isn't something happening in their lives that you may need to pluck them out of!
*It's solidifies tradition and provides time for fun, laughter, and decompression. Everyone needs to be heard, have a laugh, or just to blow off steam. It's imperative to provide a safe place for those things to happen.
There are so many fun things that can promote family unity. Something I'm working on right now, is family bracelets. I found beads with our initial on them and a wonderful tree motif that so symbolized our family to me. I'll post a tutorial once I have them done:) One thing I've already done is the family creed. I just wrote it out on a piece of paper, and we posted it on the frig. I do want to do a more permanent project for it, but for right now, this is fine. Here's what it says:
U - unconditional love
T - tight-knit family
T - total commitment
E - every day priority
R - real; rooted in Christ
B - believers
A - authentic
C - crazy in love
K - kind to each other
This is what we stand for, as a family. These should be our priorities always! We are a tree - with our roots in Jesus Christ. May our fruits be a blessing to our world & a legacy for years to come. May we weather every storm, that we will be champions!
These fun little projects shouldn't take the place of practicing actual unity, but they can serve as little reminders that "we are all on the same team."
Other fun things: family hugs, family secret handshakes, family language, etc.
Be Creative!!
Tuesday, February 2, 2010
Comic Relief
Tuesday Tribute: Brandon
Brandon and I have been together for nearly 11 years now. In 2 months we celebrate our 7 year wedding anniversary. I can honestly tell you, that when I look back at how much I loved him the day we got married, (and it was CRAZY LOVE), it looks like an elementary school Valentine's party, compared to the love I have for him now. I am so honored and so blessed to be his's what I like to call an embarrassment of riches. What makes him so special? The reasons are countless, and in many ways, I don't even know how to express them all, but let me see if I can capture the awesomeness that is my husband in just a few of them.
First and foremost, he is humble. This particular aspect covers so much ground in the success of our family, because it makes way for growth. Our marriage has grown and deepened and rooted down in ways that are rare, in this day and age. He always attributes the success of our relationship to me, but what he doesn't know, is that I'm built for marriage. Relationships are like breathing to me. It takes no special measures for me, because I'm a woman...most of us are wired that way. Brandon is simply make changes, to stick with me while I make changes, and to measure his success as a man, by how solid his marriage and family are. He is selfless and kind, and he loves us more than anything in this life.
He is brilliant. There is such a security knowing that, when faced with any situation, my husband will be able to work through it, do any job he's faced with, and do it well. Don't tell him I told you, but he's WAY smarter than me;)
He is in love with his son. We were given a son in a VERY unorthodox way. We weren't expecting him, we didn't have any idea he was coming...we just woke up one day, and BAM!...we went to bed that night as parents. Our adoption was very difficult on me, emotionally and mentally. The first few days were a practice in literally keeping myself from being completely consumed with panic. I was like a deer in headlights, and out of fear, held the whole experience at a proverbial arm's length. Not Brandon...from the moment that our little boy landed in our home, he was his dad. He embraced him with a complete peace, a complete heart, and his whole self. He stayed calm and steady, and NEVER lost faith for a minute. From day one, he was the very picture of what a father is supposed to be...the spine, the foundation...the rock. He held us both in his big, capable arms, and led the way to our family. Even as I write this, I am realizing that, without him there, I would have completely fallen apart. Now, 3 years later, there is nothing that moves him more than seeing our son grown, than experiencing a new day with him.
He is my best friend. I don't say that lightly. He is the brightest spot on the canvas of my life. Several friends have told me they wish they could clone him, and I think the reason for that is, that he is such a friend to me. He is honest with me, he roots for me, and nothing ever seems real to me, unless I've talked to him about it. It doesn't even really matter if he says long as he's the one listening, I can make sense of anything.
After all these years, he still makes my stomach drop. I am completely at home when he is with matter where we are. I won't bore you with all the gory details, but I am most certain that when we are old and gray, (he, significantly older than me;), every time I see his bicep flex...I'm gonna swoon:)
In all seriousness, I will wonder every day for the rest of my life what I did to deserve the man that is my husband. I am so grateful to have a man who loves me every day, the way that Christ intended, and that he is who I want to spend every minute, of every day of my life with.
He's my lobster:)
Monday, February 1, 2010
Work from Home opportunities!